Lots happening at the House and we need your help!
Working Bee at the House this Sunday
Very late notice but we are holding a working bee at the House this Sunday 1 September (first day of spring and Fathers Day). We need help with the planting from 1.30 to 3.30 pm. Please contact Karen Goltz T: 0431 955 968 E: karenannegoltz@gmail.com
MRFEC Courses
Macedon Ranges Further Education Centre (MRFEC) is running courses at the House:
Digital Devices Know How Mondays 2-16 Sept 12:30-3:30pm - 3 sessions $80/$60
Floristry Workshop Friday 6th Sept 9:30am-11:30am - 1 session $100
Barista Tuesday 10-17 Sept 4:30pm-8:00pm 2 sessions $150/$95/$75
For more information see the MRFEC courses or contact the MRFEC team Phone: 03 5428 3799 Email: enrolments@mrfec.net.au
Volunteers needed
Bolobek Garden Fair 5&6 October - for more information see our News post - HERE
Mt Macedon Trail Run Sunday 6 October - M&MMCH run the sausage sizzle for this event. There will be more information to follow but if you are interested in volunteering please contact James secretary@mmmcommunityhouse.org
Gardening Program
The Volunteer Community Gardening Program will commence in October and is designed to recruit and engage volunteers in the development and maintenance of the following MMMCH garden precincts: indigenous native garden, sensory garden, permaculture kitchen garden and food forest. Anyone interested in more information please contact Karen Goltz T: 0431 955 968 E: karenannegoltz@gmail.com
Harvest Swap
Commencing 5 October, Macedon Harvest Swap, usually located outside the Post Office, will move to the Community House on the 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month from 9.30-10.30.
Volunteering for the Committee of Management
The M&MMCH Committee of Management are looking for people to join the team. We are a small dedicated group looking after the House fundraising & finances, communications, maintenance, programming and events. As you can see there are many areas where volunteers can contribute to supporting the local community. In particular, our current Treasurer will be moving to the Perth Hills in early December, so the House CoM is needing to recruit a new Treasurer before then. You don’t need to be a qualified bookkeeper or accountant to perform the role (though preferred) and a full briefing and hand-over will be provided. Please contact James secretary@mmmcommunityhouse.org if you are interested and would like more information about any of the positions. If you think you might be interested in the Treasurer position, Andrew, our current Treasurer, is happy to have a chat about what is involved. treasurer@mmmcommunityhouse.org
Regular Programs
See our What's On page for our regular programs including playgroups, canasta, permaculture, craft, choir and yoga.
Thank you to our sponsors!
Brigid and Hugh Robertson
Emily Rogers - Permaculture Educator
Melina Goddard Gardens