House Projects and Programs
EOFY Opportunity - we are happy to accept donations!
AGM & the new M&MMCH Committee of Management
House Projects and Programs
There have been significant changes at the house - Please check out the Landscaping Project update page for progress reports, or follow us on Instagram @mmmchLandscapeProject
Some of our regular programs are not running over the school holidays but some are - check on our What's On page for the latest updates. We have a new program starting - Warhammer Sundays! To be held every second Sunday 3:00pm-6:00pm.
We are hosting a couple of special events:
1 July Origami Olympics - hosted by Goldfields Libraries, this is a free holiday program for 6-10 years old - see our website for details. Registration required.
15 August SafeTalk -a half-day alertness workshop that prepares anyone to become a suicide alert helper. This event is fully funded by Murray PHN for those who live or work in Macedon and surrounding areas. This is a free event but you do need to register.
EOFY Opportunity??
Considering a donation to your local community house?
With the end of the financial year approaching, it’s possible to make an online tax deductible donation to the Macedon & Mount Macedon Community House via the Australian Neighbourhood Houses & Centres Association (ANHCA).
We would love it if you could support us!
A donation will help to ensure the House’s continued operation to offer a range of programs to the community at little or no cost. Donations can also be made to specific House programs, for example:
the running of the Playgroup and Permaculture programs
the purchase of materials & equipment for the forthcoming Volunteer Gardening Project, commencing after the soon-to-be-completed Stage 1 of the Landscape Design & Construction Project.
If there’s a program or project you’d like to consider, check out the website for more details of the House’s activities.
How to donate:
Online tax deductible donations of $20 or more can be made at Fill out and submit the online form, specifying Macedon & Mount Macedon Community House (and program(s) if applicable), then follow up with a direct deposit to the ANHCA bank account details on the form.
AGM & the new M&MMCH Committee of Management
The Macedon and Mount Macedon Community House held its 4th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Monday 20 May 2024. The AGM confirmed that our name is now formally Macedon and Mount Macedon Community House, and our Constitution was updated to reflect this and formally articulate our purpose statement. The audited accounts were presented and demonstrated our sound financial position.
Samara Hodson (M&MMCH retiring President) presented the 2023 Annual Report outlining the many achievements for the year. The highlights included:
securing several philanthropic, local and state government grants for various projects including the major landscaping project, kitchen renovation, furnishings, gardening equipment and digital communication upgrade (note the new website!)
creating new partnerships with Shared Table, Macedon Ranges Further Education Centre (MRFEC) and Goldfields Libraries
organising a targeted sponsorship program attracting several local contributors
fundraising sausage sizzles and community outreach activities
enabling several programs that make us a better, more cohesive and connected community including playgroups, yoga, permaculture, craft, choir, small library and canasta sessions
generating much needed revenue through venue hire activities for our operations budget.
Samara thanked all our supporters, sponsors, current and retiring committee members and all our generous volunteers. We understand that none of this activity could possibly take place without their valued support and input.
Some of our foundation committee members have now retired and so we welcome the new committee to build on the solid outcomes we have achieved for our community to date.
2024 - MMMCH Committee members:
Chairperson (vacant)
Vice Chairperson (vacant)
Treasurer Andrew Williams
Secretary James Mackenzie
Ordinary Member Karen Goltz
Ordinary Member Jacinta Cloney
Ordinary Member Mark Bichan
Administration Support Volunteer Gina Di Paolo
If you would be interested in contributing to our vibrant community as a volunteer committee member please contact for further details.
Thank you to our sponsors!
The Robinson Family
Chisel & Hoe